
“Fintekrs for Health,” a groundbreaking initiative poised to revolutionize the healthcare sector through fintech. This program, in collaboration with the Central Bank of Egypt and The Startup Factory, aims to address critical challenges in healthcare delivery by integrating innovative solutions.

Program Overview

“Fintekrs for Health” is designed to bridge the gap between financial technology and healthcare services. Our goal is to enhance patient access, reduce healthcare costs, and improve overall outcomes by developing and deploying fintech solutions tailored to the unique needs of the healthcare ecosystem

Key Objectives

Innovate Financial Products create and implement financial products and services that cater to the specific challenges faced by patients and healthcare providers.

Enhance Access and Affordability use fintech tools to improve access to healthcare services and make them more affordable for all.

Improve Healthcare Outcomes leverage financial innovations to streamline healthcare processes and outcomes, making care more efficient and effective.

Support Entrepreneurs and Startups provide guidance and resources to entrepreneurs and startup businesses, helping them develop their ideas into viable projects. This support includes mentoring, access to funding opportunities, and connections with industry experts to bring innovative healthcare solutions to market.

Collaborative Approach

The role of  each stakeholder

The CEO Women providing a premier platform for showcasing and promoting the “Fintekrs for Health” initiative during the 3rd edition of the conference.

The Central Bank of Egypt offering expertise in financial regulation and supporting the integration of fintech solutions within the healthcare sector.

The Healthcare Authority ensuring alignment with national healthcare policies and facilitating the initiative’s integration into the healthcare system.

Fintekrs for Health leading the development of innovative fintech solutions and managing the program’s implementation.

What to Expect innovative Solutions: Discover new fintech products designed to tackle the healthcare sector’s most pressing issues.

Workshops and Training participate in capacity-building sessions to learn how fintech can transform healthcare.

Networking Opportunities connect with industry leaders, financial experts, and healthcare professionals to explore collaboration opportunities.

Join Us be part of this transformative journey at the CEO Women Forum’s incubator. Together, we will drive the future of healthcare by harnessing the power of financial innovation.